Saturday, March 5, 2011

Oh Brother of Mine...

     Occasionally, I become unnaturally sentimental and today is one such day.  I've been meaning to write a new blog and just pining for a quirky topic that would inspire some kind of wonder in the hearts of any readers but just couldn't formulate one worth internet posting.. until this very moment.  Today I am passionate about how awesome my brother, Cooper is. Therefore, he will be the entire focal point of what I'm imagining will become a very emotional blog post that I will be forced to cut short. 
     Siblings are such a wonderful, strange God-given gift aren't they?  They're instinctual friends, with built-in similarites to ourselves.  As humans, we have two possible responses to such a genetic phenomenon.. we will either become threatened by such close competition, or revel in the precious gift of an inherent best friend.  My personal lack of any kind of competitive genes have made me naturally inclined towards the latter option.
      I am thankful for Cooper's sense of humor, able to make me giggle at my darkest moments and learn to take most things lightly.  His laugh is infectious, characterized by a particular sound I have been blessed to become familiar with.  I am thankful for our differences.  Where I am shy, he is socially gifted.. able to make any situation "not awkward".  I am thankful for his intelligence, a trait which he conciously cultivates all the time.  I am thankful for the way he loves Jesus, with cool abandon and crazy passion.
      Most striking to me today is this desire for progression. Cooper is never set in his ways.. he sees growing up as a concious decision, and forming his oppinions as a wonderful challenge.  He listens intently to my crazy ideas, never shutting me out.. hearing everything and relishing the opportunity to become an adult with passion.  The greatest quirk lately is that he wants to love reading, working through book after book hoping he will develop a desire to continue.. a desire I firmly believe will come. 
     I am a person who adores observing the lives of others, fascinated by the concept of progression and emotions.  It is this trait that reminds me of the amazing privilege I have been given with such a fantastic sibling... I get to witness his life, and participate in it.. a person that's sure to lead a life filled with crazy adventures and amazing, amazing stories.  Goodness gracious I love him quite a lot.