Monday, September 13, 2010

I think I should defend...

     My coffee habit... say what you may, say I'm addicted to caffeine, say I spend too much money on coffee... I've decided I have a valid defense.  I am a lover of the world and a lover of people.  For this reason I love being out in public.. and where does one choose to go to people watch/read/spend a relatively small amount of money? A coffee shop of course!  For under 3 dollars a day, I get a valid and delicious excuse to sit for hours at a wonderfully decorated business and hang out in the world!
     I absolutely adore sitting at Dagny's and spending way too much time conversing with the likes of Walter and Smokey (who gifted me with a wonderful drawing today!) I love knowing that regardless of what town I visit, the local people probably frequent some obscure coffee shop and enjoy the same iced coffee with half and half that I do! I think it's wonderful that I meet people with cool literary and musical interests, people who enjoy having lengthy conversations as much as I do! And most of all...
I love that I serve a God who gives us little pleasures like this.

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