Friday, January 14, 2011

What I Learn From Willie Nelson...

      For the first time in quite a while, I have returned to the glory of my preferred magical "stomping grounds".  Dagny's, the local coffee-shop, while nothing luxurious, never ceases to amaze and send my mind reeling in marvelous ways.  However, I will refrain from launching into my characteristic praise of its frequent patrons in their eccentricities, and focus in on the beauty of only one such hero... with a name nothing short of valiant: Smokey.
     Looking wildly like Willie Nelson, a trait I'm quite sure he is understandably proud of, he paces in front of Dagny's endlessly as if always on his way to some important occasion or world-changing meeting, with passion in his eyes and a hop in his step.  I have never seen him ask for a dime, relying instead on his own ingenuity for survival and shelter... while money, food, and warmth are undoubtedly scarce and unpredictable in this perfect little man's day to day routine... friends are abundant and jokes flow freely.
     Sadly, our society is all-too comfortable with greetings and appropriate conversation. Perhaps it's time to listen to what we are hearing and realize what we are saying, a lesson I undoubtedly have absorbed from my blessed time with Smokey.  Rather than the bland "Hello, how are you?" "Fine" conversations I have unfortunately become accustomed to... shooting a loaded "Hello..." Smokey's way results in a spirited, almost melodic shout of greeting and a full-fledged sprint your way.  He will stand unguarded before you, perhaps gifting a hug or friendly kiss, and provide an in-depth response to this question "How are you?" It's as if he is picking apart your words, and feels completely inclined to offer an uncommonly honest response.. "How am I?... well I was almost killed today!... well someone poured gasoline in my shoes!... THE PEOPLE AT HAPPY JACKS GAVE ME FREE BREAKFAST!.. the weather is magnificent!... I saw my favorite person in the world today!"... all responses characteristic of Smokey's unwavering commitment to the people he considers friends.
      If only we could all be so beautifully expressive, feeling connected enough to those around us to believe that maybe, just maybe, other people understand... other people want to know us.  Wouldn't the world be so much more filled with people who care about each other... appreciate the beautifully strange human experience?
     Smokey is also so alarmingly generous, that I begin to question even the implications of the word.  He has abandoned his rigid pacing schedule for an entire thirty minutes to sit and draw me a comic on a napkin that he thought would make me laugh.  He has suggested a book he found at the homeless shelter he thought I'd enjoy and insist I sit and read it on the spot.  He has gifted a used CD he bought with his surely precious collected change to a cop sitting enjoying coffee, who couldn't help but break into a huge smile.
     A beautiful man who has nothing, owning his eccentricities, more than willing to share his life with the world.. now that's what I call a hero.

1 comment:

  1. I want to meet Smokey! You are a gifted writer, and
    I feel like I was right there with you and Smokey. I love
    the way you love others.... I want to Know others like this,
    to appreciate their 'beautifully strange" differences....keep
    loving others, and for sure keep writing about it!!
